Lutheran Stained Glass

Christ Lutheran Church Manhattan, KS

Historic Worship and Teaching

A congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, proclaiming Christ crucified through Word and Sacrament

Services and Instruction

Divine Service

Join us Sundays at 10:30 AM for the Divine Service, where Christ serves His people through Word and Sacrament. Our traditional service follows the Liturgy from the Lutheran Service Book with Holy Communion served every Sunday.

Bible Study

Sundays at 9:30 AM, come and participate in Bible Study for adults and youth and Sunday School for children, providing opportunities for fellowship and deepening our understanding of God's Word.


Instruction for youth and adults in Christian teaching and Confessional Lutheran doctrine based on God's Word in the Holy Scriptures, Luther's Small Catechism, and the Lutheran Confessions.

Welcome to Christ Lutheran Church

Christ Lutheran Church Sanctuary

Located on the east side of Manhattan, Kansas, Christ Lutheran Church delivers the Gospel in Word and Sacrament so that sinners receive the forgiveness of sins ​and so that others may come to faith in Christ.

Christ Lutheran Church is distinctly Lutheran in theology, historic in worship, faithful in preaching God's Word, and devoted to reflecting the light of Christ. Our worship is reverent and follows the historic liturgy of the Church, connecting us to the faith once delivered to the saints.

Whether you're new to Confessional Lutheranism, a K-State student, seeking a new church home, or visiting Manhattan - we invite you to join us for worship and in receiving Christ's gifts through Word and Sacrament in the Divine Service at Christ Lutheran Church.

A Message from Pastor Woelmer

Jesus is the Son of God in human flesh. He paid for our sin, and He rose from the dead. He is our one and only Savior through whom we receive forgiveness, life, and salvation.

Living in a fallen world is not easy. We suffer from our own sin and from trial and tribulation. Yet, because of Christ's death and resurrection, there is hope, comfort and a peace which the world can never give.

Come to Christ Lutheran Church and hear about repentance, God's love for us in Christ Jesus, and about our love for one another.

If I can help you in any way, please contact me.

Service Times

Divine Service: 10:30 AM

Bible Study & Sunday School: 9:30 AM

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4592 Green Valley Rd

Manhattan, KS 66502

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Pastor James Woelmer

Rev. James Woelmer

(972) 704-6722

Meet Our Pastor